Living Free support groups exists to help people face life’s struggles and move ahead in total wholeness in Christ in a one-on-one or focused group setting. Leaders of these particular groups have been trained in the Living Free curriculum and are equipped with additional tools to help facilitate this type of focused group. Listed below are the Living Free groups currently available at Clover Hill.
Committed Couples is for married couples or engaged-to-be-married couples who are committed to God’s plan for marriage and family relationship. The various aspects of God’s design for marriage and the principles that support this sacred institution are highlighted. The purpose of Committed Couples is to help each married couple grow spiritually and emotionally in their relationship to each other through an awareness and application of Biblical principles.
- Committed Couples Groups [Weekly for 12 weeks – starting February]
- LF Committed Couples [Bromans] Monday 7pm [23112]
- LF Committed Couples [Williamsons] Thursday 7pm [23112]